The Indo-Pacific is one of the most important geographical regions, connecting three continents of the world. Most importantly, the trade route carries out about 60% of global GDP, trading goods that account for about 2/3 of the world’s total. Also, it represents more than half of humanity. This region is relevant for important states in the current situation when the world is moving from a unipolar to a multipolar system once again.
The term was coined by German geopolitician Dr. Karl Haushofer in the early 1920s to rejuvenate the axis of Germany, Japan, China, and India against Britain. This area has always been of great significance because of the important trade corridors in this area. During colonization, European powers took advantage and used the Indo-Pacific for its minerals and raw materials. This region was an active theater of both World Wars, and the Second World War ended with atom bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States.
During the Cold War, the Indo-Pacific region continued to be important because of decolonization, which made many countries gain independence. Newly independent states mainly affiliated with the Non-Aligned Movement, but the Cold War between the USA and USSR led to regional wars in Korea and Vietnam. Also, the........