New Justice Secretary makes history

There has been much attention over the past week over how new MPs have chosen to be sworn in. This new parliament is the most openly non-religious in history. Around 40 per cent of MPs, including the Prime Minister, chose to take the secular affirmation rather than a religious oath. Half the new Labour cabinet followed Sir Keir Starmer in doing so. But this afternoon one of his cabinet has made history doing the opposite: Shabana Mahmood has been sworn in as Justice Secretary. The second woman to take the role (Liz Truss was the first), she is the first Muslim – taking her oath on the Quran, the first time this has happened.

In her speech Mahmood said:

In Chapter 3 Verse 135 of the Quran it says: ‘O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah. Even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin. And whether it be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both.’


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