With their digital-savvy and progressive outlook, Gen Z represents a demographic bloc that has the power to change the political narrative

The current decade belongs to India’s demographic dividend. Today in 2024, as India gears up for its 18th Lok Sabha Election, it is important to understand the electoral preferences and political choices of our youth, especially Gen Z voters. It is crucial to comprehend the political views of Gen Z regarding politics, the prevailing political parties, and their leaders in India, as well as how they shape their election narrative and their perspectives on general elections in the country.

Elections globally are no longer a mundane affair where the opinions of the elder family members dictate the political choices of the entire family. In the 21st century, as we champion fundamental rights, liberal and democratic values, many Gen Z individuals advocate for freedom of choice in all aspects. With their significant population, political parties are incentivized to revamp their targeting strategies to appeal to this demographic. There has been a noticeable global shift in how political parties focus on engaging with Gen Z, with many parties dedicating specific agendas and subjects to attract them.

As Gen Z increasingly form their own political opinions independent of familial influence, political parties must address their concerns to ensure their active participation. With India being home to a diverse electorate of 96.8 crores, including various categories such as transgender, overseas, service electorate, voters with disabilities, first-time voters, and regular voters, it is crucial to understand the opinions of Gen Z in elections. With 1.82 crores first-time voters in India this time, the political choices of Gen Z could significantly impact the outcome of the elections, provided parties can earn their confidence through effective policy-making.

Gen Z represents one of the most pragmatic segments of the population, shaping their opinions based on internet research. Amidst widespread social media usage, political parties are leveraging these platforms to promote their agendas directly to smartphones.

The issues important to Gen Z, such as digital equality, climate action, mental health, non-religious bias, gender equality, quality education, employment security, and fostering an environment conducive to risk-taking, differ significantly from those of traditional voters.

To amplify their voices, many parties are incorporating young faces into their ranks to establish a connection with the youth. Both ruling and opposition parties actively engage with Gen Z through various social media channels, including Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook. Statistics reveal that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leads in social media activity, followed by the Aam Aadmi Party and then the Indian National Congress.

Among political leaders, BJP’s Narendra Modi remains the preferred choice for Gen Z, followed by others. Gen Z closely associates with these leaders through social media platforms, often shaping their opinions based on what they see on their screens. However, it’s essential for political parties to understand that this generation values facts over fake gimmicks and extensively fact-checks information before forming opinions.

As the 18th Assembly Election approaches, it is imperative for political parties to recognise the importance of Gen Z voters. They represent the future of the political landscape and can potentially revolutionise the entire system. Gen Z’s silent role in this year’s general election is invaluable, and it is crucial for all Gen Z voters to fulfil their electoral duties diligently.

They possess the power to bring about significant changes in India’s political sphere, and their agendas reflect the evolving political needs of the country. New India must recognise and appreciate the potential of this new generation, just as they excel in other fields, as they have the capability to transform the nation’s political system.

on, the political landscape of India is undergoing a transformative phase, with the rise of Gen Z as a significant force to reckon with. As the nation prepares for the 18th Lok Sabha Election, the voices and choices of Gen Z resonate louder than ever before.

Their preferences, shaped by digital connectivity and a quest for factual information, demand attention from political parties seeking to secure electoral victories. The sheer size of the Gen Z population underscores its potential to sway election outcomes and influence policy directions. Their advocacy for progressive values, coupled with a penchant for transparency and accountability, underscores their pivotal role in shaping the future of Indian democracy.

It is imperative for political stakeholders to engage meaningfully with Gen Z, addressing their concerns and aspirations. By recognising the agency and significance of this dynamic demographic, India can pave the way for a more inclusive and responsive political system.

In essence, the empowerment of Gen Z represents not just a generational shift, but a paradigmatic evolution in India’s democratic ethos. By harnessing their energy, ideas, and ideals, the nation can chart a course towards a more equitable and resilient future.

(The writer is an assistant professor at the Department of Management, Dr Virendra Swarup Institute of Computer Studies, Kanpur; views are personal)

Empowering India’s Gen Z: Shaping the future of democracy

Empowering India’s Gen Z: Shaping the future of democracy

With their digital-savvy and progressive outlook, Gen Z represents a demographic bloc that has the power to change the political narrative

The current decade belongs to India’s demographic dividend. Today in 2024, as India gears up for its 18th Lok Sabha Election, it is important to understand the electoral preferences and political choices of our youth, especially Gen Z voters. It is crucial to comprehend the political views of Gen Z regarding politics, the prevailing political parties, and their leaders in India, as well as how they shape their election narrative and their perspectives on general elections in the country.

Elections globally are no longer a mundane affair where the opinions of the elder family members dictate the political choices of the entire family. In the 21st century, as we champion fundamental rights, liberal and democratic values, many Gen Z individuals advocate for freedom of choice in all aspects. With their significant population, political parties are incentivized to revamp their targeting strategies to appeal to this demographic. There has been a noticeable global shift in how political parties focus on engaging with Gen Z, with many parties dedicating specific agendas and subjects to attract them.

As Gen Z increasingly form their own political opinions independent of familial influence, political parties must........

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