The mighty pen

Political dissent implies disagreement, criticism or protest against coercive decisions, unjust laws or imposed policies. It holds enormous power in times of occupation and oppression. By taking risks to criticize repressive governments or the powerful, journalists, poets and writers work towards freedom of the oppressed.

Engaging peacefully with these dissenting voices is constructive and leads to the strengthening of democratic principles, undoing injustices and social transformation. Dissent has been used as a political weapon in anti-colonial movements and against autocracies around the world. Pakistan itself was born of dissent and broke up on repressing the same.

In a country where social media platforms like X are already blocked and internet outages are a normal occurrence, the recently passed Punjab Defamation Bill, seemingly crafted to protect public officials, is a continuation of repressive laws and measures. It further compromises even the semblance of democratic integrity if anyone dare claim it.

This bill allows punitive measures without proof of actual damage. Its vague definition of journalists and the print media has been extended to the digital realm. This enlarges its repressive reach to the general public as a tool of coercion and political repression. The bill has been rejected by journalists and civil society groups.

This is in no way an advocacy of speech being unfettered. However, laws to regulate it should be inclusive. They should not........

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