The year of a business revolution

My fellow citizens of Reformistan, honourable members of the National Assembly, and distinguished guests,

January 1, 2025, has marked not just the beginning of a new year but the dawn of a new chapter in the history of our beloved nation. As we gather here, united under one flag, as prime minister, I stand before you with a renewed vision and an unshakable resolve to transform our country’s economic future. This year will be the Year of Business for Reformistan – a year that will change the trajectory of our economy, our society, and the lives of our people.

For decades, we have struggled under the weight of bureaucracy, inefficiency, and an outdated system that stifled growth, innovation, and opportunity. Our businesses have been burdened with unnecessary red tape, our entrepreneurs have been held back by archaic regulations, and our investors have been deterred by unpredictable policies. As a result, our potential as a nation has remained untapped. But that changes today. This government is determined to unleash the full power of Reformistan’s economy and pave the way for unprecedented growth, prosperity, and opportunity for all.

Today, I announce the complete abolition of the NOC culture that has plagued our business environment for far too long. No longer will our citizens have to run from pillar to post, filing endless paperwork, or seeking permissions for months just to start a simple business.

Effective immediately, any citizen of Reformistan who wishes to start a business will need only two things: a valid CNIC and a bank account. The entire process will be digital, seamless, and human-free, ensuring that there........

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