Every two years the United Nations Population Division in New York revises its World Population Prospect dataset (UN WPP 2024).
Whenever you see a global population forecast in the media, you can be almost certain it’s from this dataset. Of all global population institutes, the UN is not only the most prominent but also tends to be the most bullish about the total number of people on our planet in the future.
This is only the first of several columns that I will dedicate to this exciting dataset.
We will start with some major global insights before we dive deeper into regional and national narratives.
I wrote in the past about the concept of peak humanity. The UN WPP 2024 data suggests that the global human population will peak in 60 years.
By 2084 the UN expects the planet to be inhabited by another 2.2 billion people. This increase of 27 per cent compared to today sees peak humanity at under 10.3 billion.
We are already way past peak, baby. The population aged 0 reached its highest level in 2013 when 142 million babies were alive.
By the end of the century, the UN expects only 109 million babies.........