Challenges of Climate Change & COP29

Climate change has been playing havoc in many countries of the World including Pakistan in the last few years. Greenhouse gases and Carbon emissions have been declared re­sponsible for the destruction by heat waves, floods, and droughts in the last two decades in dif­ferent parts of the globe. The temperature of the earth is ris­ing which has altered the rou­tine of weather and rainfalls caus­ing floods that take lives and destroy homes and infrastructure. Droughts cre­ate sand and dust storms. It affects food production and the scarcity of water as well. These impacts can be reduced only by controlling the temperature of the earth. It requires us to collectively strive to shape the future of our planet.

Global temperatures have already ris­en 1.1°C, rising due to increasing glob­al greenhouse gas emissions, which reached record highs in 2021. United Na­tions Framework Convention on Climate Change, The UNFCCC secretariat (UN Cli­mate Change) is the United Nations enti­ty tasked with supporting the global re­sponse to the threat of climate change. The Convention has near universal mem­bership (198 Parties) and is the parent treaty of the 2015 Paris Agreement. The main aim of the Paris Agreement is to keep the global average temperature rise this century as close as possible to 1.5 de­grees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.


The United Nations Climate Change Conference is held every year with the title of COP to seek strategies to save hu­manity from disasters of climate change. COP28 was held in UAE last year while COP29 will be hosted by the Republic of Azerbaijan at the capital city of Baku sit­uated at the coastline of the Caspian Sea.COP29 will continue from 11 to 22 No­vember 2024. Thus Azerbaijan is........

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