Since the arrival of Afghan Taliban 2.0 in Kabul on 15th August 2021, Pakistan’s key concerns revolve around the elimination of TTP which enjoys institutional support from the rank and file of Afghans. Experts view that the Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Taliban are different sides of the same coin because of similar ideological goals, and ethical and religious attachment. Furthermore, some experts view that the Afghan Taliban is paying back to TTP because the latter segment greatly helped the Afghan Taliban during the last two decades of the war against terrorism (2001-2021).
Regardless of the divergence of opinions, facts never tell a lie. A recent report by the UNSC on Afghanistan depicts that TTI is gaining ground in Afghanistan due to the support of the Afghan Taliban. Furthermore, Pakistan’s own defense and foreign ministry inside reports concluded a similar opinion as Pakistan has witnessed 60pc increase in terrorist attacks in the country during last year (2023), the highest number of terrorist attacks in years.
NPO to organise webinar on Digital Marketing Tools and TechniquesThese alarming situations posed the political and military leadership of Pakistan to undertake a correct decision to terminate any possible peace talks with TTP as conditions of peace talks with TTP led to total surrender of state at the moment. Furthermore, assessment reports from the US Institute of Peace depict that Pakistan’s military is crystal clear about terrorism and TTP - which have to be terminated from the surface of the country.
However, despite the strategic and legal right decision of Pakistan about TTP, the Afghan Taliban have remained adamant about the changing situation. First, they........