On December 16, 2014, the brutal and merciless terrorist attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar claimed the lives of countless innocent students and their teachers. Their bloodshed sent a powerful message to the nation: “Rise and Unite Pakistan.”
These innocent martyrs, by laying down their lives, ignited a sense of unity among the country’s shocked and shaken political leadership and the entire nation, from Karachi to Khyber. They awakened the nation and its leaders, who had long been grappling with internal and external threats.
In the aftermath of this tragedy, the people of Pakistan, along with their political leaders, overcame their shock and rallied together without delay. The federal government swiftly took the initiative, bringing leaders of all political and religious parties together to deliberate on the grave situation. The result was the unanimously agreed-upon National Action Plan (NAP), which was to be implemented by all concerned agencies, including the armed forces, at both federal and provincial levels. All political leaders pledged their full support for the plan, aiming to track down and eliminate the terrorists or, at the very least, drive them out of the country. This marked a significant beginning, with all political and religious........