Trump’s Impact

Donald Trump has been elected president for the second time in the United States presi­dential election. Donald Trump’s victory sur­prised the entire globe, as analyses and comments made just a day before the election demon­strated the supremacy of his rival Kama­la Harris. These results have left all the analyses and comments in disarray. Don­ald Trump states that this victory is a po­litical triumph the United States has nev­er seen before. “We will fix our borders and our country. We did not fight any war in our previous tenure, nor will we now, but we will also stop ongoing wars in the world.”

Apparently, the people of the world’s largest mili­tary power are not satisfied with their government’s policies and the partisan role of their country, partic­ularly in the Middle East, and they desire a positive change. This is why they have elected as their presi­dent a person who opposes war, speaks about boost­ing his country’s economy and prosperity, addresses his people’s issues, and avoids interfering in the busi­ness of others. However, the American presidency will not prove to be a bed of roses in the current situ­ation, as the Democratic government has........

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