Power Struggles

In this election, the voters put the political parties to a great test by giving them a divided mandate. Currently, no political party has enough majority to form the government alone in the federation, so ma­nipulation and pow­er-sharing contin­ue. Domestic politics seem to be subservi­ent to the whims of pow­er rather than democratic prin­ciples. No one cares about the country and its people, nor are they included in anyone’s pri­orities. The country is sinking into the mire of economic mis­ery day by day and the people are losing their lives due to ep­idemics of terrible diseases like pneumonia caused by dead­ly weather conditions and ris­ing inflation. Where should the poor go? Even, if he survives hunger, he dies of disease.

It is very sad that the people are suffering from inflation, un­employment, poverty, deadly diseases and politicians have no leisure from playing the game of throne, the axis and center of their politics is their own self, they do not care about the wel­fare of the populace, nor is the common man involved in their priorities. Therefore, whoev­er came to power, he resorted to looting, filled the houses and sent capital out, while the bur­den of heavy foreign debts has always been and will contin­ue to be placed on the common man. The government lifts the price of petrol, electricity........

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