The Security Calculus
A country’s defense budget is a critical and fundamental component of its security calculus. As Pakistan continues to battle internal and external security threats, this calculus is not merely about an increase in numbers but also encapsulates the strategic resolve to maintain and enhance the country’s national security posture in an increasingly charged and volatile environment. With an increased allocation of 17.6 % of the country’s latest defense budget, it is imperative to contextualize this allocation within the spectrum of both the existing and emerging traditional and non-traditional security threats.
Over the years, Pakistan’s threat spectrum has been composed of internal and external challenges, oscillating between high and low-intensity periods. The country has navigated waves of instability, ranging from internal political unrest and insurgencies to external military threats from neighboring countries like India. Throughout these fluctuations, Pakistan’s strategic reliance on its nuclear deterrent historically has remained a cornerstone of its national security policy. This nuclear capability has served as a critical deterrent to maintain a strategic balance and prevent escalation in a region characterized by enduring rivalries and geopolitical tensions. However, the evolution in conflict dynamics and the new arms race in the region necessitate a substantial defense budget for a country like Pakistan that still battles fractions of terrorist groups and external powers that exploit and threaten its stability.
Clear PolicySeveral factors can be attributed to the recent augmentation in the defense........
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