THE war in Gaza (and the West Bank) did not just start on October 7 last. It has been raging for years, effectively since 1948 in various bursts. Within the past four months almost 100,000 people, mainly women and children, have been killed, injured or reported missing in Gaza and the West Bank, thanks to the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), the Israeli Government and the Israeli settlement policy. Most of the bombs and bullets that caused such pain came (and still come) from the US, but many European countries also supply arms.
Cue the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen’s October 13 trip to support Israel in the wake of the murderous Hamas attack. She told no one about her trip. On her return she called on the European Union to ‘redouble’ efforts to protect the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. She brings ‘speaking out of both sides of her mouth’ to a new level.
Why did she not stop EU members, especially Germany and France, exporting ammunition and ‘war-machine’ parts to Israel? Why did she not call on the US to stop sending arms? The IDF, supported by war-mongering ‘hawk’ politicians like Netanyahu, can only continue killing if they have the ammunition and spare parts for war planes, tanks and guns.
Oh that Western mainstream media would start carrying reports about the ‘dove’ politicians and peace-seekers among the Israeli population rather than constantly covering the masters of war.

Actions give lie to words
THE latest brave public speaker on the Gaza War is the King Abdullah II of Jordan. Last week, he stood beside President Biden in the White House, thanking him, encouraging him and challenging him.
“We cannot afford an Israeli attack on Rafah. It is certain to produce another humanitarian catastrophe. The situation is already unbearable for over a million people who have been pushed into Rafah since the war started. We cannot stand by and let this continue. We need a lasting ceasefire now. This war must end. We must urgently and immediately work to ensure the sustainable delivery of sufficient aid to Gaza through all possible entry points and mechanisms. And I thank you, Mr President, for your support on this.”
The King then challenged President Biden over US withdrawal of funds for UNWRA.
“Restrictions on vital relief aid and medical items are leading to inhumane conditions. No other UN agency can do what UNRWA [the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East] is doing in helping the people of Gaza through this humanitarian catastrophe. Its work in other areas of operation — especially in Jordan, where 2.3 million are registered — is also vital. It is imperative that UNRWA continues to receive the support it needs to carry out its mandate.”
He continued: “There can be no peace without a political horizon. Military and security solutions are not the answer. They can never bring peace. Civilians on both sides continue to pay for this protracted conflict with their lives… Your leadership, my dear friend, Mr President, is key to addressing this conflict. And Jordan is ready to work, as always, with you towards peace.”
For his part, President Biden said: “Too many of the over 27,000 Palestinians killed in this conflict have been innocent civilians and children, including thousands of children. And hundreds of thousands have no access to food, water or other basic services. Many families have lost not just one but many relatives and cannot mourn for them or even bury them because it’s not safe to do so. It’s heartbreaking. Every innocent life [lost] in Gaza is a tragedy, just as every innocent life lost in Israel is a tragedy as well.”
One wants to scream: “SO STOP SENDING ARMS TO ISRAEL!”
It was the Jewish nation that led humanity from ‘law of the jungle’ retribution where one could be killed for the smallest demeanour to the ‘balanced retribution’ of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. Today, many fail to see this as the progress of humanity that it was. Unfortunately, Netanyahu and his ilk are leading us back to the law of the jungle, where might is right. One can’t help but wonder, does he ever think that what he is doing to Palestinians is, in many ways, exactly what was perpetrated upon European Jews by Hitler?

OPINION: The US and some EU countries are complicit in Israel’s aggression

OPINION: The US and some EU countries are complicit in Israel’s aggression

THE war in Gaza (and the West Bank) did not just start on October 7 last. It has been raging for years, effectively since 1948 in various bursts. Within the past four months almost 100,000 people, mainly women and children, have been killed, injured or reported missing in Gaza and the West Bank, thanks to the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), the Israeli Government and the Israeli settlement policy. Most of the bombs and bullets that caused such pain came (and still come) from the US, but many European countries also supply arms.
Cue the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen’s October 13 trip to support Israel in the wake of the murderous Hamas attack. She told no one about her trip. On her return she called on the European Union to ‘redouble’ efforts to protect the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. She brings ‘speaking out of both sides of her mouth’ to a new level.
Why did she not stop EU members, especially Germany and France, exporting ammunition and ‘war-machine’ parts to Israel? Why did she not call on the US to stop sending arms?........

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