The Garda Public Order Unit (also known as the Riot Squad) was deployed to Roscrea last week as asylum seekers were moved into a local hotel. One has to question why the Riot Squad is being called out to implement political decisions, and why the Gardaí respond to that call. It makes local people look racist when they are not.

Westport FG Cllr Peter Flynn has rightly challenged the Government over its lack of a coherent immigration policy. Instead, their ‘policy’ is based around the financial needs of owners of ‘refugee centres’, not local communities, asylum seekers or refugees. Mayo County Councillors have now demanded the council to cease all co-operation with the Government on the asylum issue.

The Taoiseach and senior government ministers keep popping up on the airwaves finger-wagging at local people who protest. Yet, politicians are only now being challenged about their ‘make it up as you go along’ immigration policy.

To hear Leo Varadkar and Roderic O’Gorman lecture people on not having a choice over who moves into their area just shows you the world they live in. They dictate who, what, where, when and why their decisions must be accepted, without any reference to the local communities, who have no right of appeal. These politicians lack basic human respect for local people.

Our country has often been known as ‘Ireland of the Welcomes’ but not so much of late. Local communities have not suddenly developed hardened hearts, but they are challenging the political stupidity that dictates that more people are moved into areas where basic services are already insufficient.

There is a twofold consequence with Government immigration ‘policy’ (or what masquerades as policy) regarding the housing of refugees and asylum seekers. It insults and disrespects people who are not consulted about refugees/asylum seekers who are set to move into these local communities. This creates polarisation within communities, and between Irish people and refugees/asylum seekers, who are also disrespected by this policy.

Secondly, it is ‘grist to the mill’ for those who oppose any ‘outsiders’ in local communities. This encourages government mouthpieces to engage in name-calling, secure on the high moral ground of their ivory tower, and label all people who oppose government as the ‘far right’.

Challenging a governmental ‘policy’ does not make local communities unreasonable or ‘far right’. Leo Varadkar and his ilk have done more damage to local communities with their conceit than any ‘far right’ group. This arrogance is supported by Fianna Fáil, still suffering a hangover haze over sharing power.

Most politicians never had to emigrate or live in another country. Their lives as TDs and ministers is one of pure comfort. They have top-paid jobs with loads of (seemingly endless) perks to cushion the little cocoon they inhabit.

This feeds into their dictatorial style when things don’t go their way as we can see from their ‘immigration policy’. Irish people, generally, are full of heart. We don’t warm to the ‘colonial’ mentality of being told what to do and when to do it, especially when we know there’s a lot of bluff and bluster involved.

Irish people have always responded warmly to people in need, from those experiencing famine to those escaping war zones, and will continue to do so regardless of what this government does. The Government is now the biggest threat to the heart and generosity of Irish communities with its immigration ‘policy’.

Every community in Ireland welcomes people in trouble if they were enabled to do so, but they are being deprived of any role within their local communities by the folly of ministers. It is way past time to involve local communities in decision making. Bring back town councils (thanks again, Fine Gael).

We always hear ‘We have an international duty…’. Where is the ‘international duty’ to stop war, feed the hungry and provide safe passage for immigrants? Where is the ‘national duty’ to provide citizens with adequate health and educational services, and consultation when they face a population surge?

What government is doing to local communities borders on bullying. It won’t work anymore because people have already ‘revolted’. Resorting to the Riot Squad shows how clueless the Government is – and making voters look racist isn’t politically clever.

OPINION: The failure of government immigration policy

OPINION: The failure of government immigration policy

The Garda Public Order Unit (also known as the Riot Squad) was deployed to Roscrea last week as asylum seekers were moved into a local hotel. One has to question why the Riot Squad is being called out to implement political decisions, and why the Gardaí respond to that call. It makes local people look racist when they are not.

Westport FG Cllr Peter Flynn has rightly challenged the Government over its lack of a coherent immigration policy. Instead, their ‘policy’ is based around the financial needs of owners of ‘refugee centres’, not local communities, asylum seekers or refugees. Mayo County Councillors have now demanded the council to cease all co-operation with the Government on the asylum issue.

The Taoiseach and senior government ministers keep popping up on the airwaves finger-wagging at local people who protest. Yet, politicians are only now being challenged about their ‘make it up as you go along’ immigration policy.

To hear Leo Varadkar and Roderic O’Gorman lecture people on not having a choice over who moves into their area just shows you the world they live in.........

© The Mayo News