Letters for Wednesday, January 22, 2025 |
Letters related to the Jan. 28 special election in Saratoga Springs must be received at The Gazette no later than 5 p.m. today (Wednesday, Jan. 22). Election-related letters are limited to 200 words.
Hochul should push ‘die with dignity’ law
I’m not a praying type of person, but I’m praying that Gov. Kathy Hochul will force the “right to die with dignity” bill through.
Oregon has had it for years and it is seldom used, but there if needed. Apparently the lawmakers who oppose this have never had to watch a loved one die in agony because it’s against the law to help them die in peace. When you are old or have a disease that is incurable and you are suffering, you should have the right to end it. We can do that for our pets, but not for our loved ones.
I just do not understand why not.
I watched someone die whose insides were just liquifying, and they begged me to just give them the bottle of morphine and leave the room. I was so tempted, but knew that I could go to jail if I did that, and that just isn’t right.
They need to pass this law and do the humane........