EDITORIAL: Time to allow sale of wine in grocery stores

You’re cruising through the grocery store. You grab all the crackers and special bread for your special evening with friends or your holiday bash.

You get all the stuff for your charcuterie board. You check out and head to your car with everything you need except the centerpiece of the evening — a nice bottle or two of wine.

Or it’s the end of a long work week and you just want to stop into the grocery store for something quick for dinner so you can settle in for the evening with, hmm — a nice bottle or two of wine.

Or you’ve got a hot date and nothing at home, so you pop into ... well, you get the idea.

New Yorkers, by a more than 3-1 margin, would love to have the option for themselves that residents of more than 40 other states enjoy — the convenience of being able to purchase wine along with........

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