What the EU has done for us

Nadia Calvino

LUXEMBOURG – This month, hundreds of millions of voters will head to the polls for the European Parliament elections, and many will ask what the European Union has done for them since the last election, in 2019.

The fact that 27 countries choose to pool their sovereignty and build an economic, social, and political partnership based on the shared values of peace, justice, respect, and solidarity is unique in global history. It is a triumph that we should not take for granted, especially when so many people around the world still yearn for the freedom to choose their government from a diverse array of candidates and parties.

At a time when the geopolitical ground is shifting, the global order that we helped build – and which has served us well these past 80 years – is being put to the test. Nonetheless, our greatest challenges – whether they concern security, health, digitalization, or climate change – are still ones we share and that require cooperation to address. Europe’s own experience shows that we are stronger together, and that we can succeed when we act according to three principles: unity, determination, and solidarity.

Our shared experience since the last European elections attests to the value that the EU adds to our daily lives. When an unprecedented pandemic hit, every citizen had access to life-saving vaccines, and........

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