Basking in the sun

Together with spring flowers like violets, daffodils, forsythias, magnolias and hyacinths, dandelions are in full bloom in their humble manners on the lowly ground. Leaves appear first before the yellow dandelion flowers are in bloom.

This year, I harvested dandelion leaves growing in the backyard lawn to make salad. While some people may not enjoy their bitter taste, it's worth noting that dandelions are a nutritious medicinal herb.

The marvelous energy and vitality of spring coax plants to break through the hardened soil. Among all the components that contribute to their sprouting and growth, sunlight stands out as the most outstanding and essential growth factor.

Walking around under the sunlight invigorates every being, imparting a sense of liveliness, freedom, and cheerfulness. Basking in the sunlight while taking a walk brings immense joy, as it rejuvenates the body, mind, and soul, leaving one........

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