Satellite cities for immigrants

For readers who've followed recent events, the ferment over American immigration has reached full bore. Immigrants arrive on buses in major cities in the United States. They're "dropped off" by other cities and states that deny their responsibilities. Red and Blue — Republican and Democratic — governors and mayors vie for attention and moral outrage. Congress does nothing, pinioned by division and a speaker craven to the Trumpists in his party.

This recurring nightmare in the American body politic wants an exorcism. It should involve taking notes from South Korea and turning them into public policies at all three levels of government. The lesson is to build satellite cities. While many immigrants wander the streets and their children live in portable toilets and shelters, some resort to criminal endeavors. But other countries know better.

Wikipedia has an interesting entry on satellite cities as well as a companion page listing the world's major satellite cities. Satellite cities aren't suburbs, of which America's major cities tend to have loads. They represent the conscious efforts of urban planners to address overpopulation, crowding and unmet needs of people at a scale that has influence.

South Korea has many satellite cities on the list. America has........

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