Congress must finally eliminate the flow of taxpayer dollars to biased NPR 

The government should not be in the business of funding the news. More accurately, the government should not be in the business of forcing taxpayers to fund the news. Actually, the government should not be borrowing the money to fund the news, and then sticking hardworking taxpayers with the bill. Doing so is even more egregious when the news organization has a clear bias that is offensive to half of the country.

Earlier this month, Uri Berliner, a former top National Public Radio (NPR) editor, made national headlines with his scathing review of his own organization, claiming it has “lost America’s trust.” Berliner tore into the way NPR had successfully whittled its audience down to one ideological subset of the population. NPR did this through its mishandling of stories such as debunked accusations of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and the origins of COVID-19. Berliner resigned from NPR shortly after his criticism of the lack of viewpoint diversity at NPR, and its firm embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies.

I can remember listening to NPR during my college years and as a young professional in the mid to late 1980s. Granted, there weren’t many news options on the radio in those days, and even 40 years ago, NPR was certainly a left-leaning network. But it maintained some........

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