Trumpism is officially the new fourth branch of government

Who exactly is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)? Yes, she is a member of the House of Representatives from Georgia serving her second term. She is also one of the few people so far who has done at least much or even more damage to Ukraine than the soldiers in Russia’s invasion force by refusing to allow aid to flow to that besieged country.

Whether she is a “useful idiot” in blindly supporting Russia or playing a more sinister role is unknowable.

Greene is also the source of an unusually large number of conspiracy theories from “Jewish space lasers” to a child trafficking pizza parlor. She has told a well-respected British journalist “to f…k off” in an interview. And she told British Foreign and former Prime Minister Lord David Cameron to “kiss my ass.” One wonders if that would be accomplished in the Capitol Rotunda or perhaps in the Oval Office depending on who wins the next election.

But, in fact, Greene’s real role is as lead hit woman for Donald Trump in the vanguard of an imaginary, unconstitutional and dangerous fourth branch of government that is dominating the other three. This is........

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