To slow election misinformation, start with our candidates 

Breaking news: The Russians, Chinese and who knows who else are moving heaven and Earth to influence the U.S. presidential elections. The Justice Department has moved to indict several groups as paid Russian agents set on helping to elect one or the other candidate for president or to disrupt and confuse the political process.

Need proof? Did not Russian President Vladimir Putin call Kamala Harris’s laugh “infectious” as a clear sign of support, despite all the allegations of Russian control of Donald Trump?

And do not dismiss Chinese involvement. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s (D) former deputy chief of staff, Linda Sun, was arrested for acting as a paid Chinese agent. Explaining how she and her husband could have owned multimillion-dollar homes on Long Island and in Hawaii on their modest incomes led to evidence of massive payoffs with Chinese origins.

Foreign interference in America’s elections is as old as the Republic. The Soviet Union began such efforts a century ago. Indeed, in those days, the Communist Party of the USA existed with its own newspaper, The Daily Worker. Soviet propaganda was ubiquitous. And it........

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