Three terrifying questions loom over the 2024 election

Few years have been as chaotic, dramatic and unpredictable as 2024. And we still have four months and a bit left to go.

No one knows how 2024 will turn out. But answers to three big and scary questions may provide an idea of what lies ahead.

First, what will Nov. 6, the day after the election, bring? Second, what about Jan. 21, the day after the inauguration? And third, is it Donald Trump’s election or Kamala Harris’s to lose?

Most analysts say the election is too close to call. Fifty thousand to 100,000 votes in a handful of battleground states and districts could determine the next president. That means both sides will have reasons to contest the vote in several districts.

If Trump loses, he will claim the election was rigged. As in 2020, Trump will use the courts to reverse the vote tying up the legal system.

On Nov. 6, the nation may awake to one of the most contested elections in America’s history. Unlike 2000, in which the presidency rested on 527 votes in Florida, suppose that not only several states but also Nebraska's first Congressional District are challenged and subject to judicial review.

This would be an electoral,........

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