Three decisive actions to save the soul of America

By a large number, Americans today are dissatisfied if not disgusted by the conditions of its politics, society and culture. Certainly not within our lifetimes have three presidential candidates attacked each other as the greatest threats to democracy. And rarely before have politics been driven by small extreme minorities in both parties.

Even where a supermajority of Americans believe that women must have access to abortion and that guns must be subject to greater controls, small minorities prevent effective action on both. And when before have pronouns provoked such incendiary responses?

What can be done to change the vindictive discourse and anger in America today? Here are three actions that could, if responsibly undertaken, save America’s soul.

The first is to de-hyphenate America. While this will be regarded as an intrusion into free speech, consider what this means. No longer will Americans be defined in categories such as Native-American, Irish-American, gay-American, Jewish-American and the whole cacophony in the lexicon.

Red, white or blue, tall or short, native-born or naturalized: We are all Americans. Forget the distinctions. Of course, people can be proud of a variety of backgrounds. But this pride cannot........

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