Only the KGB could have planted the seeds for our dysfunctional US government
It is not an understatement to conclude that America’s government and political system are in a state of monumental dysfunction perhaps not seen since 1861. The evidence is overwhelming.
Two likely presidential candidates few Americans want are running for that office. One is declared by Democrats, independents and even former staffers to be unfit for any office. The other is considered by a large majority of Americans irrespective of party to be too old and too impaired to be president.
As for Congress, Will Rogers’s cutting observations provide a more optimistic view than what’s happening today.
Rogers said: ''With Congress, every time they make a joke, it's a law, and every time they make a law, it's a joke.'' Today Congress seems incapable of passing a law let alone coherent legislation to address the nation’s most pressing crises: the border, the war in Ukraine and aid for Israel and Taiwan.
The Senate passed a bill to address these issues, exempting the border but House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) declared it insufficient and cast doubts on its passage. What happens remains to be seen. But as long as Donald Trump controls his party by fear, the border issue, as........
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