GOP releases critical report on Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal

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GOP releases critical report on Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal

The long-awaited report analyzing the U.S. withdrawal paints a picture of a President Biden determined to leave Afghanistan but fumbling preparations that set the stage for a chaotic and deadly exit from America’s longest war.

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The report from Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released in the shadow of the three-year anniversary of the U.S. exit, criticizes Biden for what it pans as a rushed withdrawal regardless of counsel from allies and advisers that led to unnecessary deaths.

“The evidence proves President Biden’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops was not based on the security situation, the Doha Agreement, or the advice of his senior national security advisors or our allies. Rather, it was premised on his longstanding and unyielding opinion that the United States should no longer be in Afghanistan,” the report states, referencing the Trump administration agreement to leave the country.

The report accuses the Biden administration of failing to see warning signs of how quickly Kabul would fall to the Taliban and delaying the planning for and calling of an evacuation — fearing both the optics of such an exit and further destabilization in the country.

In response, the White House accused Chair Michael McCaul (R-Texas) of cherry-picking details and failing to account for the role of the Trump administration.

“Everything we have seen and heard of Chairman McCaul’s........

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