When Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his running mate four years ago, he said he did so because she could assume the office “on day one.” More than 30 days after becoming the presumptive nominee, Harris still does not seem ready to be the Democratic Party’s nominee, let alone president. She is an empty pantsuit, basking in the glow of positive media coverage and unburdened by accountability.
Her acceptance speech confirmed that.
Harris has now officially accepted the Democratic Party's nomination. Her nomination was “historic,” as liberals like to say, but not because of her ethnicity. Rather, she is the first nominee of either party who did not have to secure a single delegate or a single vote in the primaries. She is “historic” in that it is highly unlikely that she could have secured that nomination, had there been any sort of competition for the job.
In keeping with how she got the nomination, her acceptance speech was all sizzle and no steak. It will be billed as containing her “vision” for America, but it contained no such thing. It wasn’t much different from the stump speech she’s been reading off the teleprompter since Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic Party power elite knifed Biden last month and tossed his body into the dumpster earlier this week.
Kamala came from humble beginnings; she repeated them, as if the circumstances of anyone’s birth could be an accomplishment. She was born in Oakland, Calif., which........