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Campaign Report

Campaign Report

The Big Story

Trump faces test in Ohio Senate primary

The competitive GOP Senate primary in Ohio has turned into a proxy battle between Donald Trump and establishment Republicans.

© AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Three high-profile Republican contenders will be duking it out Tuesday to win the GOP nod to take on Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) in November – businessman Bernie Moreno, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose and state Sen. Matt Dolan.

Moreno has notched endorsements from former President Donald Trump, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio); meanwhile, Dolan has received backing from Gov. Mike DeWine (R) and former Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) — creating a proxy war between those aligned with the former president and more establishment Republicans.

The primary will also test whether Trump, now the GOP presidential nominee, holds enough sway within the party to help make or break candidates in their primaries.

The Ohio Senate race represents one of Republicans’ best pickup opportunities for the party. Brown and Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) are the only two Senate Democrats running for reelection who represent states Trump won in 2020.

Voters in Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Kansas will also join those in Ohio as they head to the polls next week to cast ballots for presidential primaries and a handful of congressional races.

Polling has shown a tight race when Brown is placed in hypothetical matchups with each Republican, but recent surveys show Dolan performing the best among his challengers.

An Emerson College Polling/The Hill survey released Wednesday found Brown leading Dolan 37 percent to 34 percent, just outside of the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points. Meanwhile, Brown leads Moreno 39 percent to 34 percent, and the poll also shows Brown leading LaRose 39 percent to 33 percent.

Trump is expected to campaign for Moreno this weekend, while Vance is set to campaign with Moreno between Sunday and Tuesday.

Essential Reads

Key election stories and other recent campaign coverage:

Crooked Media’s political arm pouring money into battleground states

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Aaron Rodgers responds to Sandy Hook conspiracy reports amid RFK Jr. VP speculation

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Laborers’ union launching pro-Biden ad in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

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The Countdown

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Labor union spending $200M to help Biden win reelection

A top labor union announced Wednesday that it will be spending $200 million to help President Biden win reelection. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) announced a “massive drive” to mobilize working class voters of color in battleground states to back pro-labor candidates, including Biden. The SEIU represents about 2 million members across service industries, including the health care, property service, and public …

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Around the Nation

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What We're Reading

Election news we've flagged from other outlets:

Elsewhere Today

Key stories on The Hill right now:

Jordan threatens Fani Willis with contempt over subpoena on federal grants

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) threatened possible contempt proceedings against Georgia’s Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) over a subpoena requesting information about her use of federal funds. Willis’s office has already sent information in response to the February subpoena, but the GOP leader … Read more

Johnson signals shift on Ukraine to GOP senators

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told Republican senators Wednesday to expect the House to send them legislation to help Ukraine, but cautioned that what comes out of the House will look substantially different than the $95 billion foreign aid package the Senate passed last month. Johnson tried to reassure frustrated GOP senators who asked … Read more

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You're all caught up. See you next time!

Trump faces test in Ohio Senate primary

Trump faces test in Ohio Senate primary

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Campaign Report

Campaign Report

The Big Story

Trump faces test in Ohio Senate primary

The competitive GOP Senate primary in Ohio has turned into a proxy battle between Donald Trump and establishment Republicans.

© AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Three high-profile Republican contenders will be duking it out Tuesday to win the GOP nod to take on Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) in November – businessman Bernie Moreno, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose and state Sen. Matt Dolan.

Moreno has notched endorsements from former President Donald Trump, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio); meanwhile, Dolan has received backing from Gov. Mike DeWine (R) and former Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) — creating a proxy war between those aligned........

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