Trump’s helicopter did not crash land, but Trump did

San Francisco ... It’s always great to be in San Francisco, but last Thursday was an especially great time, when Donald Trump’s helicopter tale landed like a thud.

California political reporters were stunned when, in the middle of a news conference, Trump suddenly spun a riveting story of barely escaping death in a helicopter with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown – a scary flight during which, according to Trump, Brown never stopped trashing then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris.

The San Francisco Chronicle’s Joe Garifolo jumped into action. As he told me on my podcast, Garifolo called Brown on his cell at Sam’s Grill, Brown’s daily lunch spot. Brown told him to call back later, after he’d finished lunch. When Garifolo called again, Brown refuted the entire Trump tale.

No, Brown insisted, he had never been in a helicopter with Donald Trump. No,........

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