On Thursday, Aug. 22, the last night of the Democratic National Convention, former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) stepped up to the podium and endorsed Kamala Harris for president. But after his remarks the big buzz at the CNN-POLITICO Grill was not “Why Adam Kinzinger?” but “Where’s Liz Cheney?” Was she invited?
Well, now we know. It’s not that Liz Cheney was not welcome in Chicago. It’s just that the Harris campaign was wisely saving her for a more strategic appearance. Last Thursday in Ripon, Wis. — birthplace of the Republican Party — Cheney, formerly the third highest-ranking person in the House Republican leadership, walked on stage with Kamala Harris and gave the Democratic nominee her endorsement.
Cheney made it clear she was not abandoning the Republican Party. She was casting her vote for Harris as a long-time Republican conservative, she told the crowd, adding: “I was a Republican even before Donald Trump........