Many wise people have told me how to live a better life. Obviously I didn’t pay attention

What’s the best bit of advice you’ve ever had? It’s a common question to lob in at the end of an interview. I mean the kind of interview you might be doing to promote a book or a film or something, rather than an interview for a job. Although I suppose it might crop up there too. I wouldn’t know, as I believe the last interview I had of that kind was for a job at the Birmingham Post in 1992. Not quite sure how I’ve managed to swerve all that stress ever since.

When I’ve asked the question of someone, on the radio, the interviewee has invariably been stuck for an answer. Now I see why. I’ve been asked it several times in recent months, at literary festivals and whatnot, talking about a book of these columns. In the absence of a prepared answer, it’s difficult to come up with anything interesting in reply. And preparation has never been my strong point, even though I’m well aware of its importance, thanks in part to all the sage advice available on the........

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