Running away to other lands

In Islam, Allah Almighty has placed emphasis on the rights our fellow humans have over us. Huqooq-ul-Ibad, the duties we owe to fellow human beings, have preference over Huqooq Allah, the duty we owe to the Creator. Even when we step back and take a look at all the religions broadly, at least the Abrahamic ones, the difference is perhaps in how it defines the relationship between humans and their Creator. However, the goal of that definition mainly is to control the affairs between us human beings.

When someone tells you to help other people without expecting anything in return from them because this is between you and your God, they are absolutely right but if you think about it, this is about regulating your behaviour with your fellow human beings and perhaps it is rather more about that relationship.

Many argue that God is a creation of man. I do not agree with it and I am not going to get into this debate because........

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