Any American president is the most powerful man on earth. Yet, at home in America, he is not as powerful as he is globally. He can invade nations, unleash hellfire missiles at people in far flung territories, topple governments, and so forth. But at home, he can’t even express any anger if any ordinary US citizen called him names. That is so because of a common word called democracy. Likewise, any US president behaves as the weakest person at home for totally undemocratic reasons as well. The magic phrase is Israeli lobbying. A US president can never criticise Israel. Criticism is one thing, he goes to horrible lengths to prove his credentials of being an Israeli sympathiser.
The off and on richest man on the planet is no exception. Elon Musk is a man who made his career by changing how people do things. People don’t fuel their cars now, they rather charge them. Nobody has to wait for payments to clear after several business days, they can........