Why Are More Young Women Than Young Men Moving Left?

It’s not news that young people are further on the left of the political spectrum than older generations.

Of unique interest now is that the movement to the left is more disproportionate among young women than young men.

As a nation we should know this is happening and try to understand why.

Women, traditionally, have been the stabilizing cultural influence in chaotic times. It is women who have brought children into the world and raised them when men have not been reliable fathers and heads of households.

But consider data from a recent Pew Research survey.

Per the survey, our young people are less inclined than in previous generations to marry and have children.

Among those ages 18-24, 7% are now married compared to 18% in the same age group 20 years ago in 1993.

In the age group 25-29, 29% are now married compared to 50% in the same age group in 1993.

However, in this survey, when young........

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