This Can’t Be Real: Local News Anchor Jake Gadon Doesn’t Turn Off His Computer And It’s All Caught On Camera

Jake Gadon was caught viewing some raunchy photos on his computer during an on-air interview and the shameful slip-up video is quickly gaining traction online.

It looks like this ‘foul play’ is all on Gadon’s shoulders. The newest CBS Sacramento sports anchor kicked off 2025 with an epic error that is sure to put him in the hot spot with the powers-that-be at the network.

A video of his news report showed the anchor sitting at his desk in the news room. At first glance, the setting seemed to reflect what most would expect to see. Post-it notes were stuck on the wall and a keyboard and mouse were placed on top of a desk which boasted several monitors.

There was just one thing that stuck out. One of the screens showed an enlarged photo of a woman in spicy red lingerie, and it seems to be a photograph of of Rihanna’s most recent lingerie ad for