JENNY BETH MARTIN: Joe Biden Is The Worst. President. Ever.

JENNY BETH MARTIN: Joe Biden Is The Worst. President. Ever.

President Biden’s reelection strategy is coming into focus – attack Donald Trump, woo suburban women with talk about abortion, and scare voters with talk of “threats” to democracy. Notably missing? Any triumphal discussion of achievements resulting from successful policies implemented by the Biden Administration. That’s no surprise – Joe Biden’s presidency has been a total failure, and has left America and Americans in far worse shape than before he took office.

Let me start with the obvious: Joe Biden is the worst president of my lifetime.

In his debate with President Jimmy Carter, then-candidate Ronald Reagan famously asked voters to consider, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Americans asking themselves that question today would be hard-pressed to answer “yes.”

For starters, they’ve been robbed of purchasing power by Biden’s inflation – inflation that reached heights not seen since Carter was in office. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ CPI Calculator, a basket of goods that cost $100 when Joe Biden took office in January 2021 would today cost $117.27. That’s the worst inflation over a first three years in office since Carter’s first three years in office. It’s the equivalent of a secret tax foisted on the American population without benefit of a vote in Congress, and that means there’s no one to hold accountable – other than the man whose policy decisions essentially took money out of your pocket, President Biden.

Moreover, Joe Biden is personally untrustworthy and corrupt. His personal history of lying and........

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