GROVER NORQUIST: Time To Take On The Trial Lawyer Lobby

Tort law consumes 2.1% of the U.S. economy.

Many of those billions of dollars are wasted, extorted and taken from those who have done no wrong to enrich well-paid trial lawyers who do not lose their jobs when they bankrupt a company or devastate a town.

Tort law is one of the rare cases in which the United States does worse than other nations. We lead the world in wasteful, unfair and expensive lawsuits.

It is getting worse, not better.

The new invasive species is called “third-party litigation funding” (TPLF). There, “investors” target a company or industry and they fund the lawsuit. They handpick the target (rich, vulnerable, unwilling, unable to defend itself) and invent the “crime.”

What do the investors get? A percentage of the take. The “victim” loses control of his or her company and is at the mercy of the financial greed of the “investors.”

And this lucrative bad idea is now famous worldwide. Many of those investing in suing American industry are not Americans. They are foreigners. Who? Good question.

They have written the laws to keep their names and financial interests secret. A secret witness is not allowed to attack you in American courts – you have the right to confront your accusers. But here, the prime movers are kept secret.​ Why? Who........

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