This week’s decision by the Supreme Court to deny Texas’ authority to protect its own borders is a warning sign to states across the country who are seeking to address a crisis fueled by Washington’s inaction.

The federal government has done more to punish Texas than they have to address illegal immigration. Let that sink in.

In just three short years, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have completely upended the foundation of our country. Through reckless immigration and border policies, they are putting our economic wellbeing and our national security in jeopardy.

To make matters worse, lawmakers in Washington are neglecting to hold them accountable.

Secretary Mayorkas thinks that he can gaslight the American people into thinking the feds are doing everything they can. In reality, they are slashing funding for our border wall, disincentivizing law enforcement from joining CBP, and threatening states that feel so abandoned they have to take matters into their own hands.

When there are a record 300,000+ illegal border crossings per month, inaction is not just laziness, it is negligent, if not criminal.

Washington is allowing people to come into our country totally unvetted and free to do whatever they please – and it is unacceptable.

For more than three decades, I have been a vocal critic of weak border security that both political parties are guilty of promoting. Even before Donald Trump swept the country with his tough-on-crime and tough-on-immigration platform, I was a voice for commonsense conservative border policies.

When talking to voters, law enforcement, business owners, and community leaders, there are certain concerns that are uniform across the spectrum. The economy and public safety are always a concern, but illegal immigration is quickly becoming a top-tier issue facing every American.

As we head into what is set to be a historic and contentious election season, illegal immigration is going to be a topic that impacts families from Texas to Indiana and every community in between.

To address this border crisis, we need to fund and build our border wall fully, let state and local law enforcement protect their communities, and provide CPB with every tool necessary to protect our southern border.

With inflation skyrocketing and demand for trade jobs cratering, we must also ensure that American workers are able to compete in the workforce by putting an end to illegal immigration and drastically reducing legal migration, shifting to a merit-based system while ending chain migration and so-called “birthright citizenship.”

The current pattern of immigration undermines our economy and national security by allowing familial relations to trump individual merit. If we continue to allow low-skilled and cheap labor to pour into our country, we are then placing American workers at a disadvantage.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have an abysmal track record on every front, but their record on illegal immigration is worst of all.

If we truly want to ensure that our country is safer, our economy stronger, and our borders more secure, we need to elect lawmakers across this country who will hold Washington accountable and demand action be taken.

Until then, we will continue to see an unconscionable increase in illegal border crossings while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris brush off the concerns of every American.

Dr. Richard Moss is a Republican candidate for Indiana’s 8th Congressional District.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.

MOSS: Biden’s Border Inaction Isn’t Just Lazy — It’s Negligent, If Not Criminal

MOSS: Biden’s Border Inaction Isn’t Just Lazy — It’s Negligent, If Not Criminal

This week’s decision by the Supreme Court to deny Texas’ authority to protect its own borders is a warning sign to states across the country who are seeking to address a crisis fueled by Washington’s inaction.

The federal government has done more to punish Texas than they have to address illegal immigration. Let that sink in.

In just three short years, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have completely upended the foundation of our country. Through reckless immigration and border policies, they are putting our economic wellbeing and our national security in jeopardy.

To make matters worse, lawmakers in Washington are neglecting to hold them accountable.

Secretary Mayorkas thinks that he can gaslight the American people into thinking the feds are doing everything they can. In reality, they are slashing funding for our border wall, disincentivizing law enforcement from joining CBP,........

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