DAVID BOSSIE: The Primary Is Over

Now that the Iowa Caucus is behind us and the primary process moves on to New Hampshire next week, it’s time for a reality check about where things stand. I’m a proud Trump supporter, and from where I stand it’s become blatantly obvious that this primary campaign is over and hasn’t been covered accurately by the mainstream media from day one.

Former President Trump won Iowa by a jaw-dropping 30 points despite the fact he was up against well-funded opponents who had the GOP establishment and evangelical leaders in the state working against him. In the end, none of it mattered — not one iota. Iowa voters proved that the Donald Trump-led Make America Great Again movement remains deep in the hearts of the people, and that’s a lock that can’t be picked by deep pocketed donors or high profile endorsements. (RELATED: DAVID BOSSIE: It’s Not Really Joe Biden On The Ballot Next Year. It’s Someone Much Worse)

Since the Republican primary campaign for president first began about a year ago, the biased anti-Trump media has been working overtime trying to concoct any narrative it can think of to make the race competitive, but has come up totally empty. Currently, dishonest media elites are putting all their money on liberal Republicans and unaffiliated voters in New Hampshire to buoy former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley’s one state papier-mache campaign, but it’s not going to change destiny. It’s time for the never Trump crowd to come to grips with the fact that there’s going to be a rematch in 2024 because conservative Republican primary voters want it — and want it with an unmatched loyalty and........

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