ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Pope Francis Violates Catholic Teaching By Bearing False Witness Against Israel

Since the end of World War II, the Vatican has tried hard to make up for its centuries of attacks on the Jewish people, including the Crusades, the Inquisition, priest-incited pogroms, and theological claims that the Jews killed Jesus. The Vatican’s complicity in genocide during World War II took the form of Pope Pius XII’s refusal to create a “crisis of conscience” among German Catholics by forbidding them from participating in the mass murder of Jews.

Since the death of Pope Pius XII, the Vatican has tried hard to make up for its sordid history. Pope Paul VI led the way by repudiating the allegation of collective Jewish guilt for deicide, with Pope John Paul II speaking of the Jewish faith as the ancestor of the Christian religion. (RELATED: SHOSHANA BRYEN: At Some Point, Iran Will Have To Pay A Price)

In 1993, the Vatican, after too many years of silence, finally recognized the State of Israel, and over time, the relationships between the Vatican and the nation-state of the Jewish people........

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