Following the end of her failed bid for president, Nikki Haley has a new job at the conservative Hudson Institute think tank.

The institute, which focuses on foreign policy and defense, announced that Haley would become its Walter P. Stern chair on Monday in a release. Haley posted her statement to X as well.

“When our policymakers fail to call out our enemies or acknowledge the importance of our alliances, the world is less safe. That is why Hudson’s work is so critical,” she said.

Hudson President and CEO John P. Walters welcomed Haley to the position, touting her policy background.

“Nikki is a proven, effective leader on both foreign and domestic policy,” Walters said in a statement. “In an era of worldwide political upheaval, she has remained a steadfast defender of freedom and an effective advocate for American security and prosperity.”

Haley has previously served as the Trump administration’s ambassador to the U.N. and as governor of South Carolina. She made a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, but dropped out after winning only Vermont and the District of Columbia in the primaries.

She refused to endorse Trump in her concession speech. At the time, she said it was Trump’s responsibility to “earn the votes” of those who don’t support him.

Nikki Haley Gets a New Gig at Conservative Think Tank

Nikki Haley Gets a New Gig at Conservative Think Tank

Following the end of her failed bid for president, Nikki Haley has a new job at the conservative Hudson Institute think tank.

The institute, which focuses on foreign policy and defense, announced that Haley would become its Walter P. Stern chair on Monday in a release. Haley posted her statement to........

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