In Entertainment news, Jon Stewart, who hosted the “the Daily Show”, one of if not this generation's greatest news satire and political commen…

"It is one of the more famous, but melancholy, folkways of Hollywood that unless you're a powerhouse actress of the Meryl Streep and Katharine…

Foster is a model of Spencer Tracy's prescription for the movie actor's art: acting in front of a camera but never in a way that the audience …

"The films of 2023 are giving me far more headaches for my annual best list than is usually the case. I find myself in marked disagreement wit…

Jeff Simon: Jon Stewart returns and brings with him a comic sensibility that would make David Letterman proud

Jeff Simon: Jon Stewart returns and brings with him a comic sensibility that would make David Letterman proud

In Entertainment news, Jon Stewart, who hosted the “the Daily Show”, one of if not this generation's greatest news satire and political........

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