Did you know that coco peat, extracted from coconut husk, can be used as a soil substitute for growing plants? It can also be used to enhance the fertility of soil.

However, up until the late 90s, the potential of this magical by-product was never utilised. It would often be a cause of pollution and people were paid to dispose of it. It was the Dutch who first found the use of coco peat.

Now, a man in Chennai has been earning crores by selling coconut dust!

As much as it sounds like a bit of a stretch, Anees Ahmed, the founder of Global Green Coir, has been harnessing the power of this golden dust. With an annual turnover of Rs 75 crore, the company exports choir peat to multiple countries around the world.

“Tamil Nadu is the largest supplier and producer of coco peat in India. The market for the soil is mainly international, especially in European countries where the soil fertility is quite low,” says Anees.

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Global Green Coir not only exports coco peat but also customises its products by mixing nutrients in it. The company first collects the dust and cleans it to remove any impurities like leaves, fibres and other wastes from it.

The peat is rinsed in water to remove its high soil content, and then, the company turns it into blocks, discs and grow bags to export.

Edited by Pranita Bhat

This Man Earns Rs 70 Crore Annually By Innovatively Using Cheap Coconut Husk

This Man Earns Rs 70 Crore Annually By Innovatively Using Cheap Coconut Husk

Did you know that coco peat, extracted from coconut husk, can be used as a soil substitute for growing plants? It can also be used to enhance the fertility of soil.

However, up until the late 90s, the potential of this magical by-product was never utilised. It would often be a cause of pollution and people were paid to dispose of it. It was the Dutch who first found the use of coco........

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