As the winter chill fades and the sun gains strength, many of us begin the annual ritual of storing away our heavy winter clothes and retrieving our light, breezy summer attire. While this weather change is eagerly awaited for relief from the cold, we take the necessary steps to avoid falling ill.

Similarly, our gardens, which may have flourished during winter, need attention to adapt to the sudden change. If you have a home garden, it’s time to prepare it to endure the intense sun and high temperatures. With careful planning and nurturing, you can cultivate a lush oasis of greenery and vibrant colours that flourishes even in the hottest months.

The Better India has compiled a list of tips and tricks to make your garden summer-ready!

1. Understand the climate

The first step towards making your garden healthy and summer-ready is to understand the climatic conditions in your area to decide what kind of care your green fellows need. India experiences long summer days, with variations across regions — some regions have more humid conditions, while others endure dry heat.

Instagram influencer Shaily, who has more than 66,000 followers, advises you to prune your summer plants such as jasmine, hibiscus, aprajita, curry plant etc.

2. Pick the right plants

Once you have identified the climate and temperature trends of your area, you can start choosing the right set of plants for your garden.

Select plants that are well-adapted to the hot and humid conditions of Indian summers. Look for species that thrive in full sun and are drought-tolerant — such as bougainvillaea, hibiscus, periwinkle, and portulaca. Native plants are often the best choice, as they have evolved to withstand the challenges of the local climate.

3. Mulch for moisture retention

Apply a thick layer of organic mulch — such as shredded leaves, straw, or coconut husk — around your plants to help retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth. Mulching also helps regulate soil temperature, keeping plant roots cool and protected from the heat of the sun. Be sure to replenish mulch as needed throughout the summer season.

In an interview with The Times Of India, botanist Aarti Mukhani highlighted the importance of mulching to prepare your plants for summer. She said, “It is most important for your garden’s health. Mulching not only helps protect plants from heat, but also helps control weed.”

4. Let shade be your plant’s best friend!

While you may consider yourself one of your plants’ closest friends, their true ally is shelter from the blazing sun. Providing adequate protection from direct sunlight will promote healthier growth.

You can use old sheets, or panels of wood or purchase shade cloth for your garden.

Gardening blogger Harith Tharang advises, “Old sheets, old window screens, or narrow panels of wood lattice can all effectively cover and cool the plants in your garden. However, make sure that the cover is kept at least several inches above the plants. If using a cloth cover, staple each end to stakes placed on either side of the garden.”

Be mindful of the changing position of the sun throughout the day and adjust shade structures as needed.

5. Upgrade the soil

Upgrading your soil for the summer season is crucial to ensure that your plants have the nutrients, moisture retention, and drainage they need to thrive in the heat.

A gardening website suggests, “During early summers, amend the garden soil to enhance the water retaining capability as well as aeration. Use organic matter or compost as it improves water retention and is also beneficial for microbes and worms in the soil.”

6. Don’t forget to prune

Timely pruning your garden can go a long way. Remove dead or diseased foliage, and prune back overgrown branches to improve air circulation and prevent fungal diseases. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming and remove any weeds that may compete with your plants for water and nutrients.

7. Water, then water some more!

In the scorching heat of the sun, ensuring your plants receive the appropriate amount of water is crucial. Opt for deep watering less often to promote deep root growth and enhance drought tolerance.

As per an HT article, “The best way to gauge that is to water your plants in the morning. If the soil is dry again by evening, you know your plants need to be watered twice a day.” The health of your plants also depends on what time you water your plants. “To avoid water evaporation, water your plants either in the morning or post-sunset,” it further noted.

However, it’s important to avoid over-watering your plants. To prevent this, check if the soil beneath the surface is still damp. If so, wait for some time before watering the plant again.

8. Keep those bugs away

As the temperature rises, pests become more active and become a threat to our garden. Monitor plants regularly for signs of damage or infestation, and take prompt action to address any issues.

Mulching is good for reducing the risk of weeds.

Consider using natural or organic pest control methods — such as neem oil or insecticidal soap — to minimise harm to beneficial insects and wildlife. As per an article by The Telegraph, you can use a spray made with garlic to fight the insects. “Garlic naturally repels insects. Several garlic cloves should be chopped up and combined with water to make garlic spray. Strain the mixture after it has steeped for the night, then spray it over your plants.”

9. Snip the dead branches

Cutting or trimming parts of a plant — such as dead or diseased branches, leaves, or flowers — is an essential maintenance task in gardening. It can help promote plant health, encourage growth, and maintain the desired shape and appearance of plants during the summer.

10. Enjoy your green retreat

Now that you’ve taken all these steps for your plants, it’s time to reap the rewards of your efforts. Your small garden can serve as a sanctuary from the summer heat. Consider adding outdoor seating and decorative lighting to create a cosy outdoor space where you can unwind and relax.

Additionally, placing a pot of water to attract birds and squirrels can provide much-needed relief from the heat for these creatures. You can use old cooking pots or plastic containers to create this water station, even if you’re on a budget.

(Edited by Pranita Bhat)

Gardening Tips For Summer: How To Protect Your Plants From the Scorching Heat

Gardening Tips For Summer: How To Protect Your Plants From the Scorching Heat

As the winter chill fades and the sun gains strength, many of us begin the annual ritual of storing away our heavy winter clothes and retrieving our light, breezy summer attire. While this weather change is eagerly awaited for relief from the cold, we take the necessary steps to avoid falling ill.

Similarly, our gardens, which may have flourished during winter, need attention to adapt to the sudden change. If you have a home garden, it’s time to prepare it to endure the intense sun and high temperatures. With careful planning and nurturing, you can cultivate a lush oasis of greenery and vibrant colours that flourishes even in the hottest months.

The Better India has compiled a list of tips and tricks to make your garden summer-ready!

1. Understand the climate

The first step towards making your garden healthy and summer-ready is to understand the climatic conditions in your area to decide what kind of care your green fellows need. India experiences long summer days, with variations across regions — some regions have more humid conditions, while others endure dry heat.

Instagram influencer Shaily, who has more than 66,000 followers, advises you to prune your summer plants such as jasmine, hibiscus, aprajita, curry plant etc.

2. Pick the right plants

Once you have identified the climate and temperature trends of your area, you can start choosing the right set of plants for your garden.

Select plants that are well-adapted to the hot and humid conditions of Indian summers. Look for species that thrive in full sun and are drought-tolerant —........

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