THE CLIMATE COUNCIL celebrates today’s announcement that the Future Made In Australia Act is soon to roll off the Federal Government’s policy production line.

Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie said: “This is exactly the sort of leadership Australia needs to tackle climate pollution, generate clean jobs, and ensure a brighter future for our kids. In the US we’ve seen similar policies dramatically ramp up investment and create tens of thousands of new jobs. As one of the sunniest and windiest countries in the world, this is a huge opportunity for Australia.

“The Act could be a game-changer that facilitates immediate investment to match the global clean energy shift, supercharge new industries, and cement Australia’s advantage in clean energy.

“Diversifying into sectors like clean manufacturing and critical minerals is essential. Developing these sectors will not only boost our economy but also help us slash climate pollution.”

Climate Council senior researcher Dr Wesley Morgan said: “The world is changing fast with a big shift to clean energy industries, and Australia needs to act quickly to seize our advantage. Change is coming no matter what, so holding onto coal and gas exports is like clutching our Kodak cameras as the rest of the world goes digital.

“Globally, the US’ stimulus for clean energy industries is pulling in enormous investment and reshaping energy supply chains. Making smart investments of our own can attract capital and more bright ideas to Australia as well, putting us at the heart of these new global energy and industry partnerships.

“With the right policy settings, the Future Made In Australia Act can unlock huge economic benefits – in new industries, more jobs and a safer climate future for every community. The Federal Government is making a smart choice by prioritising clean manufacturing.”

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Seizing a Future Made in Australia

Seizing a Future Made in Australia

THE CLIMATE COUNCIL celebrates today’s announcement that the Future Made In Australia Act is soon to roll off the Federal Government’s policy production line.

Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie said: “This is exactly the sort of leadership Australia needs to tackle climate pollution, generate clean jobs, and ensure a brighter future for our kids. In the US we’ve seen similar policies dramatically ramp up investment and create tens of thousands of new jobs. As one of the sunniest and windiest countries in the world, this is a huge opportunity for........

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