The Strangest Things About The Liberal Party This…

In news this week Peter Costello was accused of knocking a journalist to the ground. Some disputed this account, arguing that Liam Mendes works for “The Australian” and therefore others can’t be considered a journalist. People in the Liberal Party asserted that they knew Peter very well and, in all their experience of him, he would have the capacity to force a spill, so the poor man must have tripped up on something invisible…

And speaking of invisible, we have the imminent release of Peter Dutton’s nuclear policy. Of course when I say “imminent”, I mean in his own good time because he won’t be rushed into an early release – or even a late one – just because Labor and the media are demanding it. No, Petey will decide on his own time line! And then ignore that because he won’t be rushed into releasing it just because he said that he would. After all, the Liberals had nine years in government and they didn’t allow anyone to force them into announcing an energy policy.

To be fair, that’s just a cheap shot and, in fact, the Liberals did announce an energy policy while they were in government. In fact, they announced several. It was the actual........

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