Hamas’ Blessed Victory Could Lead To Political And Social Turmoil In Israel

The jihad, which has been going on for 15 months, is about to be crowned with a blessed victory. The media in Türkiye has focused on the 40-kilometre Gaza Strip since al-Aqsa Flood began on October 7. For months, those who follow the media have come to a negative opinion that the Palestinians have lost the war in a general sense, because negative images such as genocide, destruction, slaughter, massacre, and bombardment have been constantly served to the innocent of Gaza.

I need to indicate immediately that our media has actually performed a very excellent task and given an extremely successful exam. It has influenced the whole World positively as a “weapon of mass persuasion” of genocidal Israel and the states that support the massacre behind it. Although it has been very beneficial by ensuring the masses around the world see the truth, we can say that the issue is not well understood in terms of the war’s political, military, economic and international relations aspects. If the war had been won by burning, destructing, killing, torturing, embargoing, and threating, the Mongols would have dominated the whole world. It is extremely wrong to say “Israel won the war” by focusing on the brazing of buildings in a region 40 kilometres long and martyrdom of 50-60 thousand innocents. The Crusader armies led by the United States entered Afghanistan with 160 thousand soldiers in 2001 and carried out a massacre for exactly 20 years. More than 100 thousand of them were children. Yet the United States barely saved his life by fleeing in disgrace in 2021.

The United States entered Iraq with approximately 50 thousand soldiers in 2003. He slaughtered 1.2 million innocent people. About 50 thousand of the martyrs were children. After all, what did he gain but grudge and hatred? During his first presidency, Trump said, “We spent $7 trillion in the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq. I have to turn off the lights of my plane of so that they don’t shoot it down when I land in Baghdad”. Now, he is withdrawing from Iraq dishonourably.

More than 500 thousand people died in the Russia-Ukraine war that has been going on for 3 years. But it is not made clear by the numbers of deaths and destruction who won the war.

The cost of the war to Gaza

Let’s look at the numbers first on the Gaza war. It is said that the number of martyrs is about 50-80 thousand. When it comes to the financial losses… United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) announced that the cost of financial loss caused as a result of Israeli attacks in Gaza in a year from October 7, 2023 to October 2024 is $18.5 billion.

Despite the dropping of millions of bombs, the number of Palestinians who have left Gaza is only 40 thousand.

The cost of the war to Israel

The Bank of Israel estimates the first one-year cost of the war in Gaza and Lebanon is $66 billion, Foreign Policy wrote. The United States has provided $18 billion I support to Israel’s genocidal war. 1 million Israelis have left the country, although Israel is not the bombed, but the bombing side. Among those who have left are former presidents,........

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