A Traumatized Nation
We are a resilient nation. We have fought wars with enemies across borders and within the country. We are currently fighting inflation, injustice, corruption, violence, and the list goes on. We have experienced unimaginable pain with a terror attack like the APS School massacre or witnessed gross injustice every other day where the criminals get away and the victims disappear in oblivion. The fact of the matter is that most Pakistanis experience helplessness daily and despite all odds, continue to hope for a better future and stability across the board.
It’s this hope that motivated people of all ages to come out of their homes and vote to exert their democratic right to elect their government. People traveled all over the country to vote from the constituency they could exercise this right from. This country has been experiencing collective depression for a long time now. We are de-motivated and have given up so many times trying to accept the reality of, ‘this is Pakistan. What do you expect?’ Despite resigning to the........
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