Mayor Lawrence Feick cast the deciding vote that led to the Stratford Shakespearean Festival

This street was named in honour of Mayor Lawrence Feick, who was born in Stratford and lived, worked and served the citizens of Stratford until his death in 1979 at the age of 87.

He is best remembered for his public service as a councillor for 24 years, during which time he chaired every committee, and as mayor in 1952-1953. In 1953, as mayor, he cast the deciding vote to approve the city’s financial support for the dream that became the Stratford Shakespearean Festival.

He was also associated with the Stratford Athletic Association, and was president of the city baseball league, the Stratford softball league, and the industrial hockey league. He was also an organizer and strong supporter of the Stratford Boys Band.

For service to the city, he received the Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal in 1953, the Canadian Centennial Medal in 1967, and was one of five Stratford recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal in 1977.

One of Lawrence Feick’s six brothers, Harry Fieck,was born in Stratford in 1900 and went west in 1918 to live in Fort Churchill, Man. He went on to the Yukon in 1941 and worked on the construction of the Alaska Highway. For a while, Harry Fieck lived in a tent on the main street in Whitehorse and became known as Wigwam Harry.

He worked as a truck driver for the United States army and then the Canadian Army. When he was not prospecting for gold, he was digging basements and post holes and foundations. He became a living legend and a genuine Whitehorse character. He died in 1997, more than 20 years after his better-known public-serving brother, Lawrence, and is buried in the Grey Mountain Cemetery in Whitehorse.

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Street of Stratford: Feick Crescent

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Mayor Lawrence Feick cast the deciding vote that led to the Stratford Shakespearean Festival

This street was named in honour of Mayor Lawrence Feick, who was born in Stratford and lived, worked and served the citizens of Stratford until his death in 1979 at the age of 87.

He is best remembered for his public service as a councillor for 24 years, during which time he chaired every committee, and as mayor in 1952-1953. In 1953, as mayor, he cast the deciding vote to approve the city’s financial support for the dream that became the Stratford Shakespearean Festival.

He was also associated with the Stratford Athletic Association, and was president of the city baseball league, the Stratford softball league, and the........

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