Reflections: Remembering a Mitchell staple

The T.S. Ford Company Limited thrived in downtown Mitchell for decades

On Aug. 25, 1938, the front page of the Mitchell Advocate read: “Diamond Jubilee of the T.S. Ford Company Limited.” A Mitchell staple was celebrating its 60th year in business. The article went on to say that:

“To be in the business for 60 years in one town is an accomplishment that few can boast. It is a record that may be pointed to with reasonable pride by the privileged few who have accomplished it. There is without a doubt no more delicate or exacting task than successfully catering to the public over a period of years. To serve, day after day, in a manner that brings continued patronage for 60 years is a praiseworthy endeavour. But the selling of merchandise is not only the work of the store in a community like ours. It must occupy a place of leadership in the community if it hopes to continue to operate successfully for more than half a century.

“To this can be accredited to the success of the T.S. Ford Co. Limited. Mr. Ford has always been a staunch advocate of everything that pertains to the good of Mitchell. The T.S. Ford Co. and Town of Mitchell are synonymous. To lifelong residents of Mitchell, it has come to be a fixture; as much a part of the community as our churches, schools, etc. In this way, is a small town blessed. Our stores and their proprietors are always local personages. They live and operate........

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